Frequently Asked Questions

What if I need someone to live in or come for long periods of time?

Our sister company, American Homemakers & Companions can provide those for you and our staff will help you to locate a payment source for this.

What if I only want a homemaker to help with things in my house?

Our sister company, American Homemakers & Companions can provide those for you and our staff will help you to locate a payment source for this.

When we were at the hospital, the staff there told us they would send their own home care people to us. Do I have a choice in the agency I want?

YES-remember, you always have the right to insist on the agency you want to care for you in your home. Tell the hospital staff that you have already selected an agency and give them our name and phone number.

Do I have to call the doctor first?

A one-time assessment can be done by the nurse but we cannot provide any ongoing care without a doctor’s order. We will try to assist you to get physician orders in place but it will be easier if you advise your doctor that you need help at home.

How do I know what I need or if it will be covered?

Call the office at 860-838-2858 and request a nursing evaluation of your situation. Our intake nurse will help you to determine what your needs are and if necessary, send a nurse to the home to do an assessment. Then she will contact your physician for orders to care for you.

What if I only need help with personal care like bathing and meals?

Medicaid, long term care insurance and private pay services will cover the cost of a home health aide to assist with these tasks.

What if I am not really homebound but still need care?

Other payers may not require this-Medicaid (Title 19) does not require you to be homebound but will cover most of the same services. We will assist you to check with other private insurers to see what they will cover.

What is a “skilled need”?

A skilled need means the nurse or therapist is teaching the person about their medicines, about their illness, caring for a wound, doing exercises or closely watching their reactions to medicines or other treatments.

What does “medically homebound” mean?

This means that the person leaves home with difficulty for medical appointments, needs the assistance of a cane/walker or wheelchair, the help of another person and does not drive themselves.

Will Medicare pay for the care I need?

Medicare will pay for services such as nursing visits, therapy, social work or aide visits if the physician has seen the patient recently, if the patient is “medically homebound” and has what is called a skilled need.

What are the hours of operation?

24 hours.